Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Paul's Gospel: Look back from week 6 (Romans 6:1-14)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 6:1-14

Study Questions:

I. The death of sin. (vs. 1-4)

               1. If grace abounds all the more in sin, should we then continue in sin so that we see God’s grace all the more? Yes or No

               2. Why not?  (2 reasons):

                              A. Because a new birth implies a new ___________ .

                              B. Because baptism into Christ indicates death to __________ .

               3. Christians should be defined by _____________ of life.

*Point to learn: So many, while claiming an identity with Christ, are really identified by things of the world.  Not necessarily sinful things like work, leisure, and hobbies can become idols in our lives when we place them above Christ.

Word bank: Newness, No, Sin, Life

II. The declaration of life.  (vs. 5-11)

               1. ___________ with Chris is all encompassing.

                              A. If we are united with Christ in a death like His, we shall surely be united with Him in a ______________ like His.

               2. Unity with Christ is _______________ .

                              A. Freedom in Christ is accomplished by ____________ to self and to sin’s _____________.

               3. Unity with Christ is ________________ .

                              A. Death no longer has ___________ over Christ, and therefore, us.

*Point to learn: Paul personifies sin in this chapter, seeking to show us its powerful influence and mastery over us.  However, in the power of Christ we render sin and death pointless and its control over us powerless.

Word bank: Life, Unity, Power, Liberating, Death, Dominion

III. The definition of ‘dead to sin and alive to Christ.’ (vs. 11-14)

               1. Being dead to sin means I don’t allow sin to __________  in my body and mind.
                              A. When sin reigns, we obey its ____________ .

               2. Being dead to sin means I don’t present my body as an _______________ of sin.

                              A. When sin reigns, our bodies become a weapon in the _________ against God.

               3. Being dead to sin means I don’t allow the ________ to lead.

                              A. When the law leads us, we live and die to God according to our own ___________ to the whole law.

*Point to learn: Being dead to sin means I give no provision for it, I don’t indulge in it, and I surely don’t try to manage it.  I slay it, and seek God’s rule and reign in my body and mind through the Holy Spirit.

Word Bank: Instrument, Obedience, Reign, Passions, Law, War

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