Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Paul’s Gospel: Look back from week 4 (Romans 5 part 1)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 5:1-11

Study Questions:

I. In Christ, we have: (vs. 1-2)

               1. We have __________  with God. (vs. 1)

               2. To say that we now have peace with God would imply that we were once ____________ . (vs. 10)

               3. We have __________  to God’s grace. (vs. 2)

Join us on Sundays as we continue to walk through the Gospel according to Paul.
               4. In order to have peace with God, we must be justified by faith.  What does it mean to be justified before God?  To be declared _____________ .  

Answer Key: Enemies, Righteous, Peace, Access

II. In Christ, we rejoice in: (vs. 2-5)

               1. We rejoice in the hope of the ___________ of God. (vs. 2)

               2. We rejoice in our ____________ . (vs. 3)

               3. Why do we rejoice in our sufferings?  Because our sufferings produce ____________ , which produces ____________ , which produces _____________ . (vs. 3-4)

               4. The “hope” described in this passage is different than a basic optimism, such as what is used for sports teams and favorite characters in tv shows.  In this passage, “hope” is considered a confident ____________ that God will do what He promised.

Answer Key: Hope, Sufferings, Glory, Expectation, Character, Endurance

III. In Christ, we see: (vs. 6-11)

               1. We see the __________ of God’s love towards us. (vs. 6-8)

               2. Christ died for us while we were _______ and  ___________ . (vs. 6)

               3. We see the __________ of God’s salvation in us. (vs. 9-11)

               4. Three ways we are “saved”:

                              A. We are ___________ before Him. (vs. 9)

                              B. We are saved from His ___________ . (vs. 9)

                              C. We are _____________ back to Him. (vs. 10)

Answer Key: Reconciled, Power, Reconciled, Weak, Depth, Ungodly, Wrath

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