Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Paul's Gospel: Look back from week 1 (Chapter 3 Study Questions)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 3:1-31

Study Questions:

I. God is faithful, even when we are not. (vs. 1-4)

               1. Did the Jews have an advantage simply by being an ethnic Jew? (vs. 1-2)

                              Yes - because they had received the __________  of God.

               2.  What was the problem? (vs. 3-4)

                              They were ___________ with that knowledge.

*Point to learn: God’s faithfulness to me doesn’t depend on my faithfulness to Him.

Study continues every Sunday at 11am.
Visit for more details.
II. God is righteous, even though we are not. (vs. 5-18)

               1. If our sins serves to show the righteousness of God, is He unjust in judging the world of sin? (vs. 5-9)

                              No - if God was unjust, then He could not ________ the world.

               2. What are the four consequences of being “under sin”? (vs. 9-12)

                              A. No one is _________ .

                              B. No one ___________ .

                              C. No one _______ after God.

                              D. No one does ________ .

*Point to learn: God’s extending His righteousness to me through Jesus doesn’t depend on my ability to pay Him back.

III. God is just, even though we are not. (vs. 19-31)

1. What is the function of the law? (vs. 20)

               To bring about the ___________ of sin.

2. What are the three characteristics of God’s righteousness (salvation) which is given to man? (vs. 21-22)

               A. It comes _____ from the law.

               B. It comes through ______  in Jesus Christ.

               C. It is for _____   who ________.  

*Point to learn: Man is justified (declared righteous) outside the law (works); it is a work of God, not of man.  Therefore, God can judge sin and still forgive the one who has faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross. (vs. 28)


I. God is faithful, even when we are not. (vs. 1-4)

1. Oracles

2.  Unfaithful

II. God is righteous, even though we are not. (vs. 5-18)

1. Judge

2. Righteous; Understands; Seeks; Good

III. God is just, even though we are not. (vs. 19-31)

1. Knowledge

2. Apart; Faith; All; Believe