Thursday, November 19, 2015

Paul's Gospel: Look back from week 8 (Romans 7:7-25)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 7:7-25

Study Questions:

Understanding Sin

1. Purpose of Law (vs. 7)

               *If it weren’t for the law, my sin nature would not have been _____________________ to me.

2. Perversion of Sin (vs. 8)

               *Sin sought an ____________________  through the law to distort and misrepresent it.

3. Penalty of Sin (vs. 9-12)

               *Because of sin, the very law which promised me life proved to be __________ to me.

4. Proclamation of Sin (vs. 13)

               *The law did not produce death in me; it was __________ which produced it.

5. Power of Sin (vs. 14-16)

               *The power of sin is evident in that my __________ is sold under it.

6. Place of Sin (vs. 17-20)

               *Sin is in my ____________ , or the seat of my passions and desires.

7. Pitfalls of Sin (vs. 21-24)

               *A major difficulty in being sold under sin is my _______________ with it, causing a war within my heart and mind between my new spiritual and old sin natures.

8. Passing Away of Sin (vs. 25)

               *Thanks be to Jesus Christ who _____________ me from the body of death, ruled and controlled by sin.

*Point to learn: Sin is a powerful, influential tool of the enemy which fuels his economy of death and fear.  With the defeat of sin through Jesus’ atonement, we have victory over the devil, sin, and ultimately death. 

Word Bank: Heart, Opportunity, Sin, Apparent, Death, Relationship, Flesh, Delivers

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Paul's Gospel: Look back from week 7 (Romans 6:15-7:6)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 6:15-7:6

Study Questions:

I. The long lost memory of sin. (vs. 15-18)

               1. Should we continue in sin because we are no longer under the law? Yes or no?

               2. Why not?  (2 reasons):

                              A. Because You are slave to whichever master you __________ .

                              B. Because we who are in Christ have committed ourselves to obey the _______________ of God.

               3. Sin leads to ____________ while ______________ leads to righteousness.

*Point to learn: The power of sin in our lives: its dominion, its rule, its influence, should become for us like a long lost memory, because the further away we get from it, the smaller space it takes up in our minds and actions.

Word bank: Obedience, Righteousness, Obey, Death

Join us Sundays as we continue to unpack the rich theological framework of the Gospel according to Paul.

II. Freedom from the law does not mean we are lawless.  (vs. 19-23)

               1. For nonbelievers, freedom from the law leads to more ____________________ .

               2. For believers, freedom from the law leads to ___________________ .

               3. To sanctify something is to set it _________ for special use.

               4. While the wages of our sin is death, the gift of God is ______________ life through Jesus.

*Point to learn: When we were slaves to sin, we didn’t care for the things of God.  But now that we are slaves to God, He is busy separating us from sin and making us holy.

Word bank: Sanctification, Eternal, Lawlessness, Apart

III. Release from the law does not mean we are anonymous. (vs. 7:1-6)

               1. Just as the death of a husband frees the wife from the law which binds them, death to the law frees the believer from its ________________ .

               2. When a death happens in a marriage, the law which makes marriage to another wrong is no longer __________________ .  Similarly, when a person dies with Christ, the law is not binding on him anymore.

               3. God has saved us in order that we produce __________ .

*Point to learn: Now that we are in Christ, we no longer hide behind the law.  We are not bound to it any longer, so we live openly before God and the world.  We cannot claim Christ and not live for Him; we seek to produce fruit while being continually sanctified.

Word Bank: Requirements, Fruit, Binding 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Paul's Gospel: Look back from week 6 (Romans 6:1-14)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 6:1-14

Study Questions:

I. The death of sin. (vs. 1-4)

               1. If grace abounds all the more in sin, should we then continue in sin so that we see God’s grace all the more? Yes or No

               2. Why not?  (2 reasons):

                              A. Because a new birth implies a new ___________ .

                              B. Because baptism into Christ indicates death to __________ .

               3. Christians should be defined by _____________ of life.

*Point to learn: So many, while claiming an identity with Christ, are really identified by things of the world.  Not necessarily sinful things like work, leisure, and hobbies can become idols in our lives when we place them above Christ.

Word bank: Newness, No, Sin, Life

II. The declaration of life.  (vs. 5-11)

               1. ___________ with Chris is all encompassing.

                              A. If we are united with Christ in a death like His, we shall surely be united with Him in a ______________ like His.

               2. Unity with Christ is _______________ .

                              A. Freedom in Christ is accomplished by ____________ to self and to sin’s _____________.

               3. Unity with Christ is ________________ .

                              A. Death no longer has ___________ over Christ, and therefore, us.

*Point to learn: Paul personifies sin in this chapter, seeking to show us its powerful influence and mastery over us.  However, in the power of Christ we render sin and death pointless and its control over us powerless.

Word bank: Life, Unity, Power, Liberating, Death, Dominion

III. The definition of ‘dead to sin and alive to Christ.’ (vs. 11-14)

               1. Being dead to sin means I don’t allow sin to __________  in my body and mind.
                              A. When sin reigns, we obey its ____________ .

               2. Being dead to sin means I don’t present my body as an _______________ of sin.

                              A. When sin reigns, our bodies become a weapon in the _________ against God.

               3. Being dead to sin means I don’t allow the ________ to lead.

                              A. When the law leads us, we live and die to God according to our own ___________ to the whole law.

*Point to learn: Being dead to sin means I give no provision for it, I don’t indulge in it, and I surely don’t try to manage it.  I slay it, and seek God’s rule and reign in my body and mind through the Holy Spirit.

Word Bank: Instrument, Obedience, Reign, Passions, Law, War

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Paul's Gospel: Look back from week 5 (Romans 5 part 2)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 5:12-21

Study Questions:

I. When sin ruled. (vs. 12-14)

               1. The _________ of sin’s rule.

                              A. Although God created everything and it was good, man rebelled against God’s direct command to not touch or eat the fruit and therefore sin entered into man’s heart and into the world. (Genesis 1:31; 2:16-17; 3:19)
               3. The severity of sin’s rule.

                              A. Jesus said that if we sin, we are ________ to sin. (John 8:34)

               4. The consequence of sin’s rule.

                              A. The Spiritual Transitive Property: (vs. 12)  “If sin brings death, and Adam died, then we will _____ because we are also sinners.”                              

                              B. Because of sin, we die, both physically as well as _____________ .

*Point to learn: Our sin did not stop when the law became knowledgeable to us, but it actually became more apparent.  Sin has reigned since the fall of man, however just as it has displayed its dominion, grace proved its demise.

Word bank: Die, Origin, Spiritually, Slaves

II. When grace conquered sin.  (vs. 15-17)

               1. 2 comparisons of the ‘trespass’ and the ‘free gift’:

                              A. Different natures.  The trespass is defined by death, while the free gift is defined by _______ . (vs. 15)

                                             i. Adam --> sin --> many _________ .

                                             ii. Jesus --> free gift --> many_________ .

                              B. Different results.  The trespass brings condemnation, while the free gift brings ____________ .  (vs. 16)

                                             i. One trespass --> judgment --> ____________ .

                                             ii. Many trespasses --> free gift --> judgment --> justification.

                              C. Adam, defined by the trespass, can only offer death.  Christ, defined by the free gift of righteousness, offers ________ .

*Point to learn: Through Christ, grace conquered sin.  It, along with its executioner death, is powerless to those who trust in Christ for righteousness.

Word bank: Life; Die; Live; Condemnation; Justification; Life

III. How Second Adam (Christ) is better than First Adam. (vs. 18-21)

               1. Adam and Christ are both heads of man, representing different __________ with God.

               2. Christ offers ___________ . (vs. 18)

                              A. Christ provides what Adam could not – justification and life.

               3. Christ offers ___________ . (vs. 19)

                              A. Christ protects us from the holy wrath of God, and from sin and death’s dominion. 

               4. Christ offers ___________ . (vs. 20-21)

                              A. Christ’s paradise includes eternal life with Him in heaven for eternity.

*Point to learn: From John Piper, “It’s the singularity of Christ and His grace and righteousness that Paul wants us to see and savor.”

Word Bank: Protection; Covenants; Paradise; Provision

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Paul’s Gospel: Look back from week 4 (Romans 5 part 1)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 5:1-11

Study Questions:

I. In Christ, we have: (vs. 1-2)

               1. We have __________  with God. (vs. 1)

               2. To say that we now have peace with God would imply that we were once ____________ . (vs. 10)

               3. We have __________  to God’s grace. (vs. 2)

Join us on Sundays as we continue to walk through the Gospel according to Paul.
               4. In order to have peace with God, we must be justified by faith.  What does it mean to be justified before God?  To be declared _____________ .  

Answer Key: Enemies, Righteous, Peace, Access

II. In Christ, we rejoice in: (vs. 2-5)

               1. We rejoice in the hope of the ___________ of God. (vs. 2)

               2. We rejoice in our ____________ . (vs. 3)

               3. Why do we rejoice in our sufferings?  Because our sufferings produce ____________ , which produces ____________ , which produces _____________ . (vs. 3-4)

               4. The “hope” described in this passage is different than a basic optimism, such as what is used for sports teams and favorite characters in tv shows.  In this passage, “hope” is considered a confident ____________ that God will do what He promised.

Answer Key: Hope, Sufferings, Glory, Expectation, Character, Endurance

III. In Christ, we see: (vs. 6-11)

               1. We see the __________ of God’s love towards us. (vs. 6-8)

               2. Christ died for us while we were _______ and  ___________ . (vs. 6)

               3. We see the __________ of God’s salvation in us. (vs. 9-11)

               4. Three ways we are “saved”:

                              A. We are ___________ before Him. (vs. 9)

                              B. We are saved from His ___________ . (vs. 9)

                              C. We are _____________ back to Him. (vs. 10)

Answer Key: Reconciled, Power, Reconciled, Weak, Depth, Ungodly, Wrath

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Paul's Gospel: Look back from week 3 (Romans 4 part 2)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 4:13-25

Study Questions:

I. Faith and Law are bookends of God’s righteousness. (vs. 13-19)

               1. In order to uphold God’s righteousness, the law must bring God’s  __________ . (vs. 15)

               2. The power of the law comes not in justifying sinners but in ______________  them.

               3. In order to uphold God’s righteousness, faith brings in God’s ___________ .

               4. Abraham became ‘heir of the world’ through righteousness brought about by _________ . (vs. 13)

*Point to learn: Both faith and the law are effective for upholding the righteousness of God.  However man is not able to justify himself through the law, since through the law comes only the knowledge of sin and therefor God’s wrath.  Man becomes righteous the same way Abraham did – not by doing anything but by faith. 

Word bank: Grace; Wrath; Faith; Condemning

II. Faith and Law are not compatible when receiving God’s righteousness.  (vs. 13-19)

               1. According to Paul’s argument in chapters 3-4, the law is not inherently a _______ thing. (3:31)

               2. Good works, then, is the ______ of our righteousness before God, not a means to it.

               3. The law is effective in that it serves its purpose of giving us a ______________ of our sin. (vs. 15)

               4. According to verses 16-17, our salvation depends on _________ . (vs. 16-17)

*Point to learn: Because God’s salvation rests on His grace, it can be guaranteed to all who have faith in His atoning sacrifice (Jesus).  The law can only accomplish that which it is good for – bringing about knowledge of sin, which leads to God’s wrath.  Faith, on the other hand, accomplishes that which it is good for – bringing about the righteousness of God by accrediting it to our accounts.

Word bank: Bad; Knowledge; Fruit; Faith.

III. Three dynamics of true faith. (vs. 20-25)

               1. God is our _____________ .  God’s promise is sure and immovable, even in the face of doubt, sin, and the ever changing world. (vs. 20)

               2. God is our _____________ .  When we are fully persuaded of His promise, God becomes our fuel for the fire instead of reacting to our circumstances and trials.  (vs. 21)

               3. God is our ______________ .  Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was crucified for our trespasses and resurrected to ensure our justification.  (vs. 22-25)

*Point to learn: God doesn’t have everything we need; He is everything we need.  To know God is to know life; to hope in God is to have true hope; to live in Christ is to have life itself.

Word Bank: Motivation; Foundation; Salvation

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Paul's Gospel: Look back from week 2 (Romans 4 part 1)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 4:1-12

Study Questions:

I. The Folly of Works-based Salvation (vs. 1-8)

               1. Relying on my works is foolish because in it, I would have something to _______ about. (vs. 2)

               2.  Relying on my works is foolish because in it, I only get what I __________ . (vs. 4)

               3. According to Romans 6:23, what is my rightful wage for my sin?

*Point to learn: In a works-based salvation, there is no grace in play.  There are only rightful works to be done and rightful wages to be earned.

II. The Wisdom of Faith-based Salvation (vs. 1-8)

               1. Relying on faith in Jesus Christ is beautiful because it relies on God’s __________ . (vs. 3-4)

               2. Relying on faith in Jesus Christ is beautiful because it assures that my faith is accounted to me as ______________________ . (vs. 5)

               3. According to Romans 6:23, what is the gift of God through trusting Jesus Christ as Lord?

               4.  According to verse 5, true faith can be characterized in four ways:

                              A. It is apart from  ________ .

                              B. It is _________  in Him.

                              C. It is belief in Him who _________ the ungodly.

                              D. It is counted as ________________ .

               5. According to verse 7, salvation is described in three ways:

                              A. Lawless deeds are __________ .

                              B. Sins are ____________ .

                              C. Lord doesn’t count his __________ .

*Point to learn: In faith-based salvation, there is only grace in play.  There are the gracious acts of loving-kindness on the cross of Christ and God’s reviving a dead heart.

Study continues every Sunday.
Visit for more details
III. The Reach of God’s Salvation. (vs. 9-12)

               1. Abraham was counted righteous __________ circumcision. (vs. 10)

               2. If Abraham’s circumcision served no salvific purpose, why was it necessary?

                              A. It was a _______ of righteousness. (vs. 11a)

                               B. It was to make him __________ of all Gentiles who would believe. (vs. 11b)

                              C. It was to make him __________ of all Jews who would believe. (vs. 12)

               3. According to Romans 3:22, to whom does God’s salvation extend?

*Point to learn: Salvation is not about what we can do or what has been done on our part, but about who God is and what He has done through Christ.

I. The Folly of Works-based Salvation (vs. 1-8)

1. Boast

2.  Deserve

3. Death

II. The Wisdom of Faith-based Salvation (vs. 1-8)

1. Works

2. Righteousness

3. Eternal Life

4.  Works; Belief; Justifies; Righteousness

5. Forgiven; Covered; Sin

III. The Reach of God’s Salvation. (vs. 9-12)

1. Before
2. Seal; Father; Father

3. All who believe

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Paul's Gospel: Look back from week 1 (Chapter 3 Study Questions)

The Gospel According to Paul: Romans 3:1-31

Study Questions:

I. God is faithful, even when we are not. (vs. 1-4)

               1. Did the Jews have an advantage simply by being an ethnic Jew? (vs. 1-2)

                              Yes - because they had received the __________  of God.

               2.  What was the problem? (vs. 3-4)

                              They were ___________ with that knowledge.

*Point to learn: God’s faithfulness to me doesn’t depend on my faithfulness to Him.

Study continues every Sunday at 11am.
Visit for more details.
II. God is righteous, even though we are not. (vs. 5-18)

               1. If our sins serves to show the righteousness of God, is He unjust in judging the world of sin? (vs. 5-9)

                              No - if God was unjust, then He could not ________ the world.

               2. What are the four consequences of being “under sin”? (vs. 9-12)

                              A. No one is _________ .

                              B. No one ___________ .

                              C. No one _______ after God.

                              D. No one does ________ .

*Point to learn: God’s extending His righteousness to me through Jesus doesn’t depend on my ability to pay Him back.

III. God is just, even though we are not. (vs. 19-31)

1. What is the function of the law? (vs. 20)

               To bring about the ___________ of sin.

2. What are the three characteristics of God’s righteousness (salvation) which is given to man? (vs. 21-22)

               A. It comes _____ from the law.

               B. It comes through ______  in Jesus Christ.

               C. It is for _____   who ________.  

*Point to learn: Man is justified (declared righteous) outside the law (works); it is a work of God, not of man.  Therefore, God can judge sin and still forgive the one who has faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross. (vs. 28)


I. God is faithful, even when we are not. (vs. 1-4)

1. Oracles

2.  Unfaithful

II. God is righteous, even though we are not. (vs. 5-18)

1. Judge

2. Righteous; Understands; Seeks; Good

III. God is just, even though we are not. (vs. 19-31)

1. Knowledge

2. Apart; Faith; All; Believe