Monday, March 4, 2013

Get to Know Commissioned's Lead Pastor -- Kenneth Peacock

It is time for all of us to get to know our Lead Pastor a little better.  Here are a few questions from a question and answer session with Kenneth. 

1. What is your favorite TV show?
Without Amber: Burn Notice
With Amber: Tie between The Bachelor and Big Brother

2. What is your worst habit?
Well, I’m ADD so probably starting things and not finishing…what was I talking about?

3. How would you describe yourself if you could only use five words?
Amazing specimen of a guy!

4. Do you have any phobias?
I do not like mice. I would say I want to kill them all but I’d rather just not see them.

5. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
Currently: Anything by Mumford and Sons
All time: Anything by Ben Harper

6. If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
Historically: The conversation between Robert E. Lee and Ulysses Grant at the end of the Civil War at Appomattox Courthouse in 1865.
Biblically: The life of Moses, beginning to end

7. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
Well, I know that my mom wanted to name me Bosco, so probably that.

8. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
Give it all to my church! Wink, wink

9. What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever given/received?
Best given: My wife’s engagement ring; I sent her on a scavenger hunt and she had to find it.
Best received: Definitely my three daughters
Worst given: Everything I’ve ever re-gifted
Worst received: A restaurant gift card that was empty

10. Why did you become a pastor?
Admittedly, it wasn’t my first choice! But God called me to be a pastor when I was in 11th grade and I was obedient to that call.

11. What is your vision or what you believe is God's vision for Commissioned?
God’s vision is for us is to be a disciple making, missionary sending, church planting congregation. Instead of attendance, buildings, or budgets, this is how we measure our success.

12. What is your favorite food?
Pizza, hands down. I could eat pizza every day and never get sick of it.

13. What is your favorite Bible verse?
Philippians 1:6. God began a good work in upon conversion, has continued His work in me thus far and will continue until it’s completed on the day I meet Jesus in person. I can’t wait!

14. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
The World: Rome
Anywhere: I want to take a lawn chair with me to the moon and just relax there for a few days while staring at earth.

15. What was the best moment or memory of your life?
Marrying my best friend in the whole world.

16. If you had 3 free hours with no obligations what would you do?
Go fishin!

17. If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you bring with you?
My Bible, food, and a 30 foot cabin cruiser

18. What (inanimate) object in the world do you hold most dear?
A scrapbook Amber made me when we were in high school. It sits on the table by our bed.

19. If you were not a pastor, what job would you want?
Non-realistic: Professional baseball player
Realistic: College professor

20. If you could speak fluently in any language besides English, what would it be?
Spanish, because I really like the variety shows on Telemundo but I wish even more that I understood what they were saying.

21. What previous jobs have you held outside of ministry?
My two favorite past jobs have been working in my friend's pizzeria and restoring charter yachts.

Well I hope you feel like you know Kenneth Peacock a little better now :)

Come check out Commissioned on Sundays to get to know Kenneth and the church family of Commissioned even better!