Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Hangover

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family this year.

Come visit Commissioned this Sunday to find out the Cure for the Christmas Hangover!

For more info check out

Sunday, December 2, 2012

New Series!

This morning we started our new Christmas series studying what is really meant by the incarnation of Christ.  Come next week to find out more!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lots of Sign Ups!!!

Today, Commissioned hosted its first sign ups for new studies starting in January. 
The various sign-ups included:
1. Women's Bible Study - Beth Moore Study - Beginning January 17th meeting every other Thursday
2. Men's Bible Study - Game of Thrones - a study on 2 Chronicles - Beginning January 10th meeting every other Thursday
3. Dave Ramsey Financial Class - Beginning in January meeting every Wednesday
4. Interest meeting for a summer Missions Trip to Belize on December 2nd at 10:00AM
5. New Member's Class
6. Baby Dedication
7. Baptism
If you were not at Commissioned today, make sure you come check us out next week and sign up to get involved in the studies and activities!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Series this Sunday!!!

Come check out Commissioned this Sunday as we begin a new series that will be based on the Great Commission that Jesus set forth for us and the mission that Commissioned desires to reach.

For more info check out or email

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Story of the Great Pumpkin

Come check out Commissioned this Sunday as we have a kid friendly event during the service.  The children will hear the story of the great pumpkin and participate in the music during the service.  They will also have special crafts during their classes.
For more info check out or email

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Commissioned had a great Sunday service this morning and we missed those of you that are out of town for this holiday weekend!  But we hope you come see us next Sunday.
Also, the women of Commissioned have started a Women's Bible Study.  The ladies are having so much fun each week fellowshipping and studying God's Word.
For more info - email

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Come this Sunday!

Come check Commissioned out this Sunday as we continue our series "Failures to Launch" and we continue our study of Colossians.
To get notes from the past three weeks go here
Hope to see you all this Sunday!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We had our Launch Service!!!

This past Sunday Commissioned had its first official service.  It was an amazing and exciting day seeing God's work.  Over the past few months, Kenneth, Amber, and the rest of the group have been planning for this Sunday and all of the hard work showed.

Approximately 75 people were present for the service (plus children and the children's class teachers).  Kenneth started a series studying Colossians.


It was a day full of joy, fellowship, and worship.

For those of you who attended, we would love to have you back again this coming Sunday.  For those of you who did not attend - Please come check us out this Sunday!
For more info check out or email

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Launch This Sunday

Everyone needs to come and see the amazing work God is doing at Commissioned.
The official Launch Service is this Sunday, September 9th.  Fellowship and snacks at 10:30am.
Service at 11:00am.
Commissioned meets at Newington Forest Elementary School in Springfield, VA.
For more info check out or email
Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Community Day!

This past Saturday, Commissioned held its first Community Day Event.  It was an amazing day where approximately 300 people from the community attended.  Commissioned was able to provide a fun day for all who came and to share the love of Christ and our vision with the community. 

Here are two of our excited members advertising for the event!

All the kids enjoyed the day!

We gave away a multitude of prizes to those who attended.  Prizes included gift cards, Mary Kay baskets, Nationals Tickets, and much more!

The kids had the chance to enjoy 4 different moon bounce type activities.

Cotton candy and popcorn were enjoyed by all!

Even a rainstorm at the beginning of the event was not going to stop us.  The kids even had more fun running around in the rain and playing on all the games and activities.
The Springfield Chick-Fil-A was even gracious enough to donate sandwiches for our event.

The kids also were able to enjoy a train ride around the field.

Here is Amber making sure the Information Booth is all stocked and ready to greet all of the guests.

And finally, here is our fearless leader Kenneth showing us how to really use the obstacle course moon bounce.
Overall, the event was a success.  We even had one family visit Commissioned this past Sunday morning.
The official launch of Commissioned is Sunday, September 9th.  Please join us if you have not already done so.  This is an exciting time for us and we cannot wait to share our joy with the community and all those who come to visit.
Check out more info at

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This Saturday!!!

This Saturday everyone reading this post should come to Commissioned's Community Day at the field next to Newington Forest Elementary School!!!!
The event consists of moon bounces, free food (including Chick-fil-a, hot dogs, chips), cake walk, music, give-aways, and so much more fun!
The event is from 2:00pm until 5:00pm.
Come enjoy a fun filled day with friends and family!
Learn more about the event at

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting Closer...

This past Sunday was Commissioned's first Sunday that we could get into Newington Forest Elementary School.  The morning was full of unloading our trailer, setting up the stage, running all the cables for sound, building changing tables, setting up all the toys, setting up all the chairs, and so much more. 

It was a good time to figure out how everything would go once we start having services.  Everything took a little longer setting up than it normally will because it was our first time doing so, however, I know that we will get quicker and more comfortable with it every week we do it.

Here are some pictures from Sunday:

Beginning to bring everything into the school...

 One of the piles of stuff to bring into the school...

Taking inventory...

 Putting the nursery together....

Figuring out the sound system and tvs...

Even the kids helped set stuff up in the gym...

The main area...

And the band had its first on stage practice...

And of course Kenneth and Amber and the family were super excited to start this adventure with our new church family.

It was a wonderful day to be a part of and the energy among us all was high.  We pray that our energy remains high each week as we will continually have to load and unload all of our supplies.  We look forward to meeting all of you who come to our upcoming events.

Upcoming Events:

August 25th - 2pm to 5pm - Community Fun Day at the Field next to Newington Forest Elemenatary School

September 9th - Official Launch Service with Fellowship at 10:30am and Service at 11:00am at Newington Forest Elementary School

Come check us out at our events in the coming weeks!

For more info check out

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Starting a New Adventure

Life is full of adventures and when we allow God to work through our lives, the adventures never end and God brings us to places that we could only have dreamed of ending up.  Two people that have embraced God's plan for their lives are Kenneth and Amber.  This coming fall, Kenneth and Amber, along with many others who have partnered with them, will be starting a new church in the South County/Springfield, Virginia area.  It will be a time of excitement and growth.

This new church is called Commissioned.  As Christians, Jesus gave us His great commission in Matthew 28, when he told us to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Commissioned has taken this vision and will be fulfilling the calling of Christ in making disciples.

The vision of Commissioned is that it might be a home base for progressive, measureable change throughout Northern Virginia and around the world by making disciples of Jesus.  The vision is accomplished through strategic partnerships with community organizations, other like minded churches, missionaries through the world, and Christians like you.

This past Sunday was Kenneth and Amber's last Sunday at Calvary Road Baptist Church where Kenneth has served as a youth pastor for the past 6.5 years.  It was a wonderful going away Sunday with much support from the congregation.

The new few weeks will be full of planning, practicing, and accomplishing what needs to be done for the official launch service of Commissioned on September 9th.  Commissioned will be meeting at Newington Forest Elementary School in Springfield, VA. 

Commissioned will also be having a Community Day on Saturday, August 25th with face painting, moon bounces, hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, cake walk, music, and much more.  This Community Day will be held on the field next to Newington Forest Elementary School. 

Come check us out on Community Day on August 25th and for our first service on September 9th.

For more info check out